Whee! Doing a stunt!

Hello, I blog!

I share all my sporadic and toilet thoughts in here, because I am random like that.

15 2010

Just because I can.

Just because I am fully aware that as a traveller, we (possibly) lose all right to privacy (within a reasonable limit, of course) where our personal belongings are concerned, and are quite liable to have our baggages opened and checked post check-in without our knowledge.

And because I hate having people rummage through my stuff because (by my standards) absolutely no one is as neat as I can be. Plus, laziness usually prevails and these people just might leave my stuff in an absolute mess.

Friendly message to security officers
Friendly message to security officials.

Just in case you are experiencing trouble reading the text in the image:


If you (anyone else except me) are reading this, you are possibly inspecting my bag for security.

One request – please put my things back where they belong when you’re done with your inspection because I am really anal about tidiness.


Dearest security officials at Changi Airport, Hong Kong International Airport and Vancouver International Airport – please be nice to my belongings. Kthxbai.

I’ll be flying off in less than eight hours. Until then!

13 2010

Spam comment fail

So I happened to log into my WordPress dashboard a few minutes ago for my daily spam inbox clearance. There was just one solitary spam comment in there today, but this one gave me about ten seconds of continuous laughter.

Spam fail
Spam fail!

Irony, anyone?

A previous entry titled ‘I’ve found my happy place again’ about a month back (speaking about how I’m much happier and emotionally stabler than before) also attracted heaps of spam comments.

Likewise, there was another epic spammy comment which linked to a strange advertorial website and carried the message, ‘I’m sorry but I disagree with you. Please email me at (spammy email address) to discuss why.’

Pity I didn’t take a screenshot of that one! (;

Spam comments may be dumb, but you have to admit – the sheer dumbness of it all makes for good amusement, no?


P/S: Yes, I am fully aware that most spam comments are left by computer-programmed scripts (or robots) who are too dumb to understand the context of the blog entries they are spamming, and not by human beings. (Which perhaps why the comments are usually disjointed – although the programmers like to think that they sound ‘generic’ enough to apply to all posts.)

P/P/S: Of course, spammy website and email addresses have been blurred out since I don’t want to give them free advertising. But the IP address is out there for you guys to add to your blocklists. -Stifles laughter-.

13 2010

12:13 AM



The Organized Traveller

Generally when people travel with me, their jaws drop when they see the amount of documentation and research I do prior to a trip. I admit, I can go a little overboard sometimes – but well, it is better to over-prepare than to under-prepare.

I have compiled a travel folder for the upcoming trip to Canada and the U.S. commencing this Saturday – comprising checklists for everything I would be bringing there, right down to schedules for clothes-washing, important telephone numbers, maps and the like.

Travel File
Travel folder.

As this would be my first travel to the U.S. – I hadn’t quite realized before that there was so much registration to do before I head there, such as the registration of ESTA for entry into the country, and with the local MFA (because of terror risks surrounding the U.S.).

In view of the number of registrations I had to do, the last thing I wanted was to lose track of all of them.

Travel File
Different sections of the folder.

And why the checklists? Apparently, writing/typing checklists prior to a trip has been a habit ingrained from young. No, it wasn’t taught to me by anyone. I picked it up myself … since I was eleven. This was due to a past experience.

The last time I let someone do the packing for me was prior to a cruise trip when I was nine. Apparently, that someone had forgotten to include the most important item (hint: ‘u’ is the first letter) in my baggage. As a result, I vaguely recall the embarrassment I had to face walking around in my mum’s oversized (and really uncomfortable) panties.

Okay, I think that was too much information. But well, that was the most pertinent experience that made me swing towards my obsession with checklists (and demanding to pack my own bags ever since).

Since that incident, I devised a standard template for travel checklists and have been sticking to it religiously. I type out my checklists on Microsoft Excel now but I used to have a special travel notebook for this stuff before computers became ubiquitous.

And yeap, I check things off the list whenever I pack, and (sometimes) even when I unpack!

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