Whee! Doing a stunt!

Hello, I blog!

I share all my sporadic and toilet thoughts in here, because I am random like that.

04 2020

11:50 AM

Life is Life

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The Write Stuff

Sometimes I feel like ever since I started using Instagram more heavily, my entire online presence has been “dummified”.

Everything has become visual. I now edit a photo and post it online, and spend significantly less time writing introspective blog posts.

And the less you write, whatever linguistic skill you possess also dies a slow death. I find myself using significantly less vocabulary these days, and I’m no longer able to articulate my thoughts as well as I used to. I really need to make it a point to write more.

Now that I can finally access WordPress on my phone again (previously I couldn’t because my WordPress was hopelessly outdated – my bad), perhaps the motivation to write again will come back.

Oh, did I just mention my phone?

Overdependence on our phones is another topic I mull over all the time. Another topic for another day, I suppose.

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