Whee! Doing a stunt!

Hello, I blog!

I share all my sporadic and toilet thoughts in here, because I am random like that.

My life’s full of little theme songs.

If I want to relive any part of my life, all I have to do is to play its song.

I don’t know about everyone else, but almost every aspect of my life is defined by a particular song. Be it an event, a phase of life or a vacation. All I have to do is to play the song, and it brings back the atmosphere and the memories.

How does a song become the ‘theme song’ of a particular phase of my life?

Well, it could be that the song was ubiquitous at that point in time. It could also be a song that was playing over and over in my head throughout the period, or a song that I just happened to hear before the event took place and it somehow stuck. Otherwise, it could be particularly poignant or memorable catch-phrases in the song which fitted the event.

Every vacation I take with my parents, friends or relatives has its own ‘theme song’, which really helps when I crave for another holiday. When I feel particularly reminiscent, I’ll play the song, sit back and daydream … and suddenly, I’ll find myself back at the place again.

Almost every song on my playlist has an event attached to it.

Meanwhile, lemme’ share some of my favourite songs over the years, and the various life events they were attached to.

(Warning, long entry up ahead!)

Continue Reading …

21 2010

My little feisty ol’ Squirt.

Squirt’s still fighting for her recovery, and I’m doing the best I can to ensure that it’s a smooth one. She’s regained most of her feisty, stubborn personality and is back to kissing me for her food again. (Although she still doesn’t eat much of it.)

She’s becoming increasingly protective of her litter tray, as the following pictures will show.

Squirt has an interesting coat pattern, and a pair of really soulful eyes with a facial expression that constantly screams emo. As such, it really looked as though she was shooting me this disapproving stare when I tried to wash her litter tray this afternoon.

Here’s an closeup of that disapproving look I’ve grown to love so dearly.

Altogether now. Awwwwww.

20 2010

I should be a guy!

Me, talking about the importance of self-dependence during travel rather than following a packaged tour (which plans everything for you wthout you having to lift a finger).

“Somehow, travelling free-and-easy will help you learn more about a place, and learn to find your way around. Sooner, you’d realize that you can go almost anyplace without having to rely on guide books.

Back then when I travelled to Hong Kong on a group-tour, they brought us round and round until I got dizzy and didn’t know where the heck I was! Whereas when I went back to Hong Kong later on with my friends, I managed to get myself up and around in a matter of two days!” – Me.

Well, that was supposedly the original topic of conversation. But you know. With me, things can suddenly take on a twist.

Ter – “You have an amazing sense of direction for a girl. I thought that was a guy thing.”
Me – “See, I told you. I’m a guy trapped in a girl’s body.”
Ter – “…”
Me – “When I became an embryo in my mother’s womb, the stupid Y-chromosome decided to mutate and become an X.”
Ter – “…”
Me – “I have mutated sex chromosomes!”
Ter – “…”

Yeah, I am still onto that whole I should have been born a guy conspiracy thing.

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