Whee! Doing a stunt!

Hello, I blog!

I share all my sporadic and toilet thoughts in here, because I am random like that.

31 2012

11:32 PM

Site stuff

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Finally, another fresh look.

I wish I’ve done this earlier – removing the clutter from the previous interface and just leaving it clean and simple so that I’ll be inspired to actually write.

At last, I did.

Finally, my torrent of updates from my San Francisco trip earlier this month can begin. I’ll be posting random pictures, quips and adventures from my two and a half week trip over the next couple of weeks in no particular order. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, happy hunting for the little ‘easter eggs’ (random doodles with my mouse) I’ve scattered around the site. Here’s your first hint – the navigation.

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30 2012

It’s time to start again

This weekend, I will embark on my mission to start writing again.

There was a sudden realization that this blog is an extension of myself. It’s where I store my memories, share my quirky moments or just be plain ol’ rambly (and occasionally crappy) me. Reading my past blog entries, I suddenly see a huge gaping hole where 2011-2012 was supposed to be.

What happened?!

I was well and alive, for sure. With loads of exciting moments happening in my life. At least I knew 2011 in general was exciting, but when I try to narrow down the specific moments which played a part in making 2011 awesome, I draw a blank. Well, I know the general stuff, like milestones. But … the little moments were gone. Kaput from my memory totally.

Normally, I write these things down, so I can remember them later. But, I’ve stopped.

Shite. Maybe I should start again.

And take a whole new approach to writing as well – little snippets of text, more photos and perhaps, start doodling because it’s what I’ve always liked to do but never got around to it.

For starters, I’ll revamp the this blog design for simplicity and remove all distractions … like that horribly unflattering upside-down illustration of me. (Why oh why did I torture my virtual self for a year by forcing excessive blood flow to my brain?!)

3 more days to the new Brendalogy blog. I’m excited already.

17 2012

2:55 PM


1 comment

Good bye, San Francisco

So here I sit, waiting for a flight back to Singapore after 17 absolutely awesome days in the US of A – 9 days in San Francisco, 3 days in Las Vegas and 5 days in Austin.

It was just me and another girl friend. Everyone who knew about the trip feared for our safety. Parents, friends, relatives.

I was actually dreading this trip as it loomed closer. Thoughts of “why on earth did I agree to this?” and “ZOMG, can I survive this?!” ran through my head like wildfire.

It was my first trip to a place I haven’t been before. On my own. (Well, nearly – my friend was just as lost as I was.) Without any adults around. (Most of my previous trips were with family. Otherwise, I’ll be in a group of at least 3 friends.)

It cumulated into 2 days of frantic researching during the weekend before our trip, as I figured out transit maps, directions, hotel locations and places we wanted to go.

It’s day 17. Our trip is nearly over, and we’ve had a blast of a time. It makes me wonder what I was so scared of before, and I realized that I’m actually more independent than I think.

In between meeting Elea (hurray for blogger friends), belting out karaoke on a stage in front of a sea of unknown people, travelling to places far out from the city such as the Googleplex and Apple’s Cupertino Campus on purely public transport, sniffing out awesome scenic spots (we hoped) not everyone knew about and basically did everything we wanted to do, it was an AWESOME trip. More details in subsequent entries.

It was tiring though. My travel buddy is already all conked out in front of me in the cafe. Heh.

Until we get back to Singapore …

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