Whee! Doing a stunt!

Hello, I blog!

I share all my sporadic and toilet thoughts in here, because I am random like that.

05 2010

I has (new) awezm necklaces

Basically stuck at home all afternoon nursing a high fever, a horrendously bad sore throat and multiple joint aches, I was bored to tears.

Unable to sit still (and do nothing) for long, I dug out my box of black and white Perler beads and began to fiddle around with them.

About an hour later, this was the outcome – I now have four new awesome necklaces, yo.

Speech bubble necklaces
Speech bubbles, FTW!

And the following message would be awesome for those jackasses who love to talk (yell) into their phones at maximum volume on public transport.


I want to get some grey Perler beads so that I can start experimenting with shadows. Oh, and I want to make that adorable Mario mushroom I saw here!

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